Other EA-related Work

Vida Plena Predictive Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (2022)

To help potential funders decide about Vida Plena, we conducted a predictive cost-effectiveness analysis using previous analyses of StrongMinds and converting them to the Vida Plena context. We estimate it will cost $17 to improve a recipient’s wellbeing by one wellbeing-adjusted life year (WELLBY). For a comparison, this is 8 times more cost-effective than GiveDirectly.

Christians should think about the ‘good’ in ‘doing the most good’ (2022)

I argue that (1) there will be situations where Christians are also concerned about ‘doing the most good’, (2) it is important to think about how one defines and measures the ‘good’ in ‘doing the most good’, and (3) Christians - especially Christians in EA - have an important and unique contribution to make in defining ‘good’.

Effective Altruism for Christians Annual Conference (2022)

Fireside Chat with Joy and Sam on Effective Mental Health & Wellbeing

Freelance writing for Tru.org.uk

I wrote about socio-ethical topics for Tru.org.uk. I am interested in socio-economic justice, the environment, and animal welfare. However, my inital writing was severly edited (breaking some of my points and grammar) so I do not think this is representative of my writing.

Joe Biden Proposes Boosting Taxes on the Rich

Global Calls for Live Animal Sales in Food Markets to be Banned

‘Ag-Gag’ Laws: Hiding Animal Mistreatment

G7 Countries Agree to Increase Tax for Multinational Companies

Iceland: Changing to a Shorter Working Week

Manchester: Victims of Crime Failed by Police